Credit for the illustration featured in this report goes to my talented sister!
Hematite, Year 252
Credit for the illustration featured in this report goes to my talented sister!
Hematite, Year 252
Dwarf Fortress is famously difficult to get into. To help newcomers get started the community has created many useful resources that pare down the difficulty curve significantly. Here I will collect a selection of the best of these resources to hopefully help those of you who are looking to get started with DF but don't know where to start. I have used all of the resources here at some point in my DF journey and can attest to their quality.
Firstly I will say that the thing most important to keep in mind when starting DF is that you will lose. Since DF has no set win condition it is guaranteed that you will lose eventually. With this in mind it is imperative that you follow the community's motto of "losing is fun" and learn to enjoy this inevitable collapse of all your hard work. I still fondly remember when my first fortress only a few months in was brutally dismembered by a vicious werehorse.
For your very first fortress I would suggest following along with either a video tutorial or a written walkthrough, several of which I have collected below.
Kruggsmash's beginner walkthrough is an excellent, brief overview of the absolute basics that is only 1/2 hour long. While it was made 2 years ago it is not out of date as all the gameplay areas it covers have been relatively unchanged in recent updates. I watched this tutorial myself when I was getting started and highly recommend it for its high production quality and easy to follow structure.
This video tutorial by Nookrium is a bit more recent having been released this year. It runs a bit longer than Kruggsmash's tutorial at just under 45 minutes and is thus slightly more in depth.
The quick start guide on the DF wiki covers almost every important topic you will need to know starting out. It describes everything from how to defend against sieges to trading with merchants. This is a good place to look if there is a specific area you are struggling to understand. In general the wiki is your best friend when getting started with DF and will likely remain so even when you are a seasoned veteran. You should always have it open when playing DF, as it details pretty much everything there is to know about the game.
This walkthrough which I think we can safely assume was written by PeridexisErrant is a great alternative for someone looking for detailed explanations of a variety of Dwarf Fortress' mechanics and systems.
In the process of learning to play DF you will inevitably come across a specific question that cannot be answered by these sources. There are two main places where you can ask questions regarding DF; the subreddit and the forums.
The DF subreddit hosts a bi-weekly question thread that is the perfect place to ask any and all DF related questions. In my experience the community surrounding the subreddit is very helpful and welcoming to newcomers.
The DF forums have been around since the game first began development and are frequented by many knowledgeable DF veterans. The gameplay questions forum is teh prefect place to ask your question, just remember to check if a previous thread has already answered it.
Hopefully you found this set of resources helpful. If you think that this post could help someone you know get into DF direct them this way. If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticism don't hesitate to comment.
Opal, Year 251
Obsidian, Year 250
All of us have been so preoccupied with the invaders besieging us that I have neglected my duties as fortress record keeper. Once the alarm was raised I immediately ordered that everyone retreat below ground and lock the doors to the main stairwell, thus preventing the invaders to gain entry. A farmer who had been hauling wood outside once they appeared informed of the nature of our enemies. Three human necromancers as well as six of their terrible necromantic creations are arrayed against us. The necromancers soon left, seemingly satisfied that their minions would be capable of dispatching us. And so we found ourselves facing the dark zombies, five of human origin and one dingowoman. The farmer claimed that they were covered in immense bulging muscles, had dark brown skin, and strange pure white hair. Each of them wields a copper crossbow or a longbow in the human style. Several dwarves who peeked through the cracks in our locked doors believe that after mercilessly slaughtering a peaceful giant beetle the invaders settled down, pacing in never-ending circles.Before I begin I would like to say thank you to those who developed and update the texture pack Phoebus and the utility Dwarf Therapist both of which I use in this game.
Hematite, Year 250
As expedition leader and the most learned member of our group, I, Ilral Roldethsolon, have taken it upon myself to keep records of our fortresses foundation. While we are still only a small outpost I hope that in time we will become a sprawling mountainhome. My six friends and I have been assigned by royal decree to establish a new fortress for our great civilization. We have been sent far from our homes to the White Fieldss, an area of grasslands directly east of the terrifying southeastern mountain range. Our fortress will be built beneath the site of two brooks meeting and descending downwards in a spectacular waterfall. Other than two giant sponges lurking menacingly in the water we are alone here. The closest town is many days march to the north in the eastern human lands so news will be hard to come by, but at least we are far removed from the filthy warrens of the goblins. I have included a rough map of our location above.
After careful consideration my compatriots and I decided to name our group "The Lean Stakes" and our fortress Ducimmonag, or "Workdrilled." Upon reaching our location we immediately began to work, and have not ceased since. Carving a home out of this untamed wilderness is brutally difficult work. We dug a staircase a short ways downwards and upon reaching a shallow layer of phyllite began to mine out a simple prelude to our fortress consisting of a main hall, a workshop area, several modest rooms, and room for stockpiles. In the layer of soil higher up we have begun work on a small plump helmet farm and an area to hold our pigs. With so few to cover so much work we are all eagerly awaiting the arrival of migrants from the mountainhomes to ease our load.
Before closing off this entry into the records I will describe us few hardy individuals that currently make up the lean stakes and how we have been getting on in this wilderness retreat. First there is Lobram Tolunsolon, our resident mason. He shares my love for parties and merrymaking and we are good friends. Bomrek Onulrur is our most skilled miner, although like myself she has been stressed lately due to the lack of time off. Fikod Amasalath is our second miner. An odd dwarf he claims to highly respect plants and the natural world. Personally I find him and his elfishness unsettling. Rakust Idnisgak is our brewer and cook. A friendly sort he is nonetheless rather dull, although I would never tell him that for fear of being cut off from our meagre supply of booze. Ducem Taramtobul is one of our farmers. I talk with him little as he spends most of his time sitting completely still staring off into space, apparently lost in thought. Finally there is Rith Gemeshas, another farmer who is know for her cleverness, impatience, and out of her hearing range for her many rolls of fat.
Moonstone, Year 250
Winter has now descended upon us. In the time since my first record we have made great progress. Above is a map of our main fortress levels current size. It was not long after I finished that first record that our prayers were answered and a small group of migrants arrived to assist us in our labors. Eventually we would receive another wave of migrants swelling our number to 20 and qualifying us as a hamlet. We have expanded our stockpiles and workshops as well as our farms.
Several months earlier our miners pierced an enormous cavern layer far below our main fortress. Knowing well the potential dangers posed by the monstrous begins dwelling in their forgotten layers I ordered that many cage traps be constructed around the doorway to prevent anything from getting inside. Soon after several monster hunters petitioned for residence here, which I readily granted. It was very fortunate that I prepared our defenses as quickly as I did, for those monster hunters have reported sightings of a troll in the distant reaches of the caverns. Luckily it has not attacked anyone yet.
Opal, Year 252 A terribly tragic accident has struck us. Udil the miner fell to his death while working on our new trap hall. This...