Credit for the illustration featured in this report goes to my talented sister!
Hematite, Year 252
Another artifact has been created in our fortress. It is a tetrahedrite table known as Rasotlisid or "Raptorclash." It is covered in marvelous panda leather purchased from the humans and jewels excavated from our land.
With only filthy cavern water available for our soldiers so badly injured they couldn't even accept booze we prepared to send the Cobalt Tribes to deal with the lingering enemies. A hunter and a clothier were hurriedly enlisted into their ranks, and after a short preparation the doors were unlocked. For some unfathomable reason a large portion of our civilians refused to wait for an all-clear from the soldiers. The papermaker Goden Neruzol was among them, and while the others were quickly called back by my hurried orders, multiple goblin zombies fell upon him and tore him apart before the Cobalt Tribes arrived.
Once they had arrived the brave soldiers of the Cobalt Tribes easily dispatched with the goblin zombies, leaving only a handful of other zombies lurking on the other side of the river and several magpieman zombies flitting out of reach above the trees.
The Cobalt Tribes hastily positioned themselves across the river while they waited for a bridge to be constructed, but our two new overly-eager recruits decided to ignore the commands of their superiors and ford the dangerous river. Luckily they resisted the pull of the river that could have sent them careening over the waterfall, but they found several goblin zombies waiting for them. Hearing of the situation developing I rushed to the scene. I shouted for the commander to take the veterans across and save the recruits, but he refused, citing the rivers danger.
We were left to simply watch in horror as the foolish recruits were slaughtered by the vicious zombies. The hunter fled in terror, stumbling farther away from the river. He did not make it far before he too was dragged down and devoured. The zombies, now hungering for more flesh, began to stumble across the river. Both were beaten to death by the hammers of our vengeful soldiers.
Seeing a magpie man harassing a group of bedraggled civilians the Cobalt Tribes swooped in and mobbed it, killing it with ease. Alone against the combined strength of our veteran soldiers these stumbling corpses are easy pickings.
The Cobalt Tribes had now been fighting for days, and all but one headed below ground to rest and eat. One soldier lingered momentarily, making doubly sure that the area south of the river had been secured. Just as she was turning to join the others another goblin zombie leaped from behind a tree and bit her neck, opening a vicious wound. She survived and killed the zombie, but was forced to retire to the hospital. With the loss of first the recruits and now one of the veterans the Cobalt Tribes are looking dangerously under strength.
Luckily it appears we avoided another confrontation by trapping a loathsome blind cave ogre in one of our cage traps underground.
Limestone, Year 252
One of the magpieman zombies dived down to attack the civilians. Before the Cobalt Tribes could arrive and fend it off it managed to kill a mechanic and injure a metalsmith. Pictured above is our militia commander slaying the creature. It was drawn by our fortress' best artist according to eyewitness accounts.
As short while later the last besieger, a magpie man zombie landed and attacked Onul, one of our soldiers. Surprised and isolated she was badly injured before her comrades arrived. With so many soldiers out of action it is good that the siege is now lifted and it is possible for migrants to arrive.
With the bridge finally completed the soldiers crossed and methodically cleared out the remaining zombies. One of them noticed while crossing the bridge that one of our fortresses beloved giant sponges had been punctured with even more holes by those bastards arrows and killed. Yet another reason to hate these foul creatures. One must be truly evil to slay a defenseless sponge.
Sandstone, Year 252
Our first caravan in many a month has arrived.
With so many excess goods stockpiled we gave them an excellent deal, hoping to entice them to spread good news of our fortress and direct migrants our way.
Whenever my attention has not been needed to oversee the military operations I have been busy drawing up plans for our new fortress. If we gain new workers and a measure of prolonged peace we may yet become the greatest settlement of the eastern lands.
If you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions please comment. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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